Multi-board play

Battlegates multi-board setups can be played with one or more Beginnings Editions sets. It can also be played using the Boneyard expansion pack.

Two board game play

Battlegates “The Beginning Edition’ includes everything you need to play a one battle-board 2 player game. This is a great way to learn the game and some basic strategies.

Battlegates TB also allows you to play multi battle-board games. Battle-boards are designed to be placed together to allow for a larger playing area. End to end, side by

side or side to end.

End to End

Set Up: Remove one side of perimeter stone walls from each battle board. Place the boards together side by side. This creates a new row of spaces called Battle Alley. It is marked by a stone pattern. “Open ground is easily traveled by all, so beware.”    Prince Paul The Elder.

Walls can never be placed across Battle Alley either during set up or by the playing of a card. Gates may not be placed across Battle Alley during setup but may swing across Battle Alley during game play or by card playing. At no time during the game can a gate impede player movement in either direction by being connected to a wall that would not let the gate travel freely across Battle Alley. If it does it is removed from the board for the duration of the game at the time this occurs and the player who caused that action continues their turn.  “This is a highway to hell.” Prince Kurt The Younger.

In the side by side set up the game can be played with 2, or 4 players. It can be played as two, two player teams, 4 players individually or 2 players each with two castles.

2 Player 4 castles. In this version one person controls castles1 and 3 and their opponent controls castles 2 and 4. Each player sets up two castles, each castle with its own-colored player pieces and with 10 game pieces. 4 walls, 3 gates and 3 long gates on one half of one board. Each castle gets one turn per round and shares a four card hand. Play order goes from castle 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and repeats until the game is over. When one castle is out of player pieces that castle no longer takes a turn. When a player has no pieces left for either castle, play ends. The remaining player pieces still on the board enter their opponent’s castle and are scored accordingly.

4 Player 4 Castles Allies. In this version one person controls each castle. Castles 1 and 3 are allies and castles 2 and 4 are allies. Each castle sets up 3 Crusaders and 2 Archers of one color and 10 game pieces. 4 walls, 3 gates and 3 long gates on one half of one board. Each castle gets one turn per round. Each team shares a four card hand and both teams draw from the same deck.  Play order goes from castle 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and repeats until the game is over. When one castle is out of player pieces that castle no longer takes a turn, and their remaining cards are placed in the discard pile. Play ends when one team has no player pieces left on the board. All of the remaining player pieces enter any opponent’s castle and are scored accordingly.

4 Player 4 Castles Individually. In this version one person controls one castle. Each castle sets up 5 player pieces of one color and 10 game pieces. 4 walls, 3 gates and 3 long gates on one half of one board. Each castle gets one turn per round and its own set of cards. Play order goes from castle 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and repeats until the game is over. When one castle is out of player pieces that castle no longer takes a turn, and their remaining cards are placed in the discard pile. Play ends when only one player has player pieces left on the board.  All their remaining player pieces enter any opponent’s castle and are scored accordingly.

Set Up: Remove one end of the castle perimeter stone walls from each battle board and place them together. When placed end to end a new feature is created known Miser Run is the row of spaces marked by blue water feature. Any player piece in Misery Run at the end of any player’s turn dies. If an opponent moves your player piece into Misery Run by rotating a gate your player piece dies. Your opponent scores one point and they forfeit the dice portion of their turn.

If you move one of your own player pieces into Misery Run and they are still there at the end of your turn they have committed suicide. The player piece is removed from the game and no points are scored. “Suicide before surrender.”   Prince Kurt The Younger.

The divider for this set up is placed down the middle of Misery run. Each player uses all 20 game pieces that came with their set to set up their half of the playing field. Each player uses 6 Crusaders and 4 Archers.

Each player still has only one castle with two entrances and the game is played with the same rules as in the one battle-board game. A player now needs 16 points to win the game.  

Side by Side

Set Up: Remove one side of perimeter stone walls from each battle board. Place the boards together side by side. This creates a new row of spaces called Battle Alley. It is marked by the stone pathway. “Open ground is easily traveled by all, so beware.”    Prince Paul The Elder.

Walls can never be placed across Battle Alley either during set up or by the playing of a card. Gates may not be placed across Battle Alley during setup but may swing across Battle Alley during game play or by card playing. At no time during the game can a gate impede player movement in either direction by being connected to a wall that would not let the gate travel freely across Battle Alley. If it does it is removed from the board for the duration of the game at the time this occurs and the player who caused that action continues their turn.  “This is a highway to hell.” Prince Kurt The Younger.

In the side by side set up the game can be played with 2,3 or 4 players. It can be played as two, two player teams, 4 players individually, 2 players each with two castles or 3 players one controlling two castles individually.

2 Player 4 castles. In this version one person controls castles1 and 3 and their opponent controls castles 2 and 4. Each player sets up two castles, each castle with its own-colored player pieces and with 12 game pieces. 4 walls, 4 gates and 4 long gates on one half of one board. Each castle gets one turn per round and its own set of cards. Play order goes from castle 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and repeats until the game is over. When one castle is out of player pieces that castle no longer takes a turn, and their remaining cards are placed in the discard pile. When a player has no pieces left for either castle, the play ends. The remaining player pieces still on the board enter their opponent’s castle and are scored accordingly.

4 Player 4 Castles Allies. In this version one person controls each castle. Castles 1 and 3 are allies and castles 2 and 4 are allies. Each castle sets up 3 Crusaders and 2 Archers of one color and 12 game pieces. 4 walls, 4 gates and 4 long gates on one half of one board. Each castle gets one turn per round and its own set of cards. Play order goes from castle 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and repeats until the game is over. When one castle is out of player pieces that castle no longer takes a turn, and their remaining cards are placed in the discard pile. Play ends when one team has no player pieces left on the board. All of the remaining player pieces enter any opponent’s castle and are scored accordingly.

4 Player 4 Castles Individually. In this version one person controls one castle. Each castle sets up 5 player pieces of one color and 12 game pieces. 4 walls, 4 gates and 4 long gates on one half of one board. Each castle gets one turn per round and its own set of cards. Play order goes from castle 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and repeats until the game is over. When one castle is out of player pieces that castle no longer takes a turn, and their remaining cards are placed in the discard pile. Play ends when only one player has player pieces left on the board.  All their remaining player pieces enter any opponent’s castle and are scored accordingly.

3 Players 4 Castles. This version is played like the 4 player 4 castle allies’ version with one player playing as both players on their team. Each castle still acts independently with cards and setup.

Side to End

3 Players

The Evil King Last Person Standing

Prince Paul, The Elder, “Our father the king has changed. He is executing his most trusted advisors.

Prince Kurt, The Younger, “Yes, he has been bewitched by our sister. Princess Dawn The Sorceress.

Prince Paul, The Elder, “Yes, I agree. She always was his favorite.”

Prince Kurt, The Younger, “We must over through them and take control of the kingdom.”

Prince Paul, The Elder, “Let us prepare for war.”

Prince Paul now thinks to himself, “Once my father and sister are no more what should I do with my brother?”

Set Up. Remove one side of end perimeter stone walls from the board to be castle 1 and one set of side perimeter stone walls from the other board for castle 2 and 3. Place the boards together side to end. This creates a new row of spaces called Misery Alley. Move the remaining castle walls for castle 1 forward two spaces as shown above.  The castle is still a one space area between the two entrances. Place the dividers as indicated by the blue lines.

Castle 1. Plays with 5 Crusaders 3 Archers, 6 walls, 4 gates and 4 long gates.

Castles 2 and 3. Each player gets 3 Crusaders, 2 Archers, 4 walls, 3 gates and 3 long gates to set on their side of the divider.

Game Play. A player piece can enter Misery Alley and stay for one turn. If done voluntarily on their turn it must be moved out on their next turn and if not, it has committed suicide, and no point is scored. If done thought the action of a gate by your opponent, you must move this player piece on your next turn, or it is killed and your opponent scores one point.

Object of the game. In this version the points don’t matter. The last person standing wins the game.

Side to End

3 Players

The Standoff

Castles 1,2 and 3. Each player gets 3 Crusaders, 2 Archers, 4 walls, 3 gates and 3 long gates to set on their side of the divider.

Game Play. A player piece can enter Misery Alley and stay for one turn. If done voluntarily on their turn it must be moved out on their next turn and if not, it has committed suicide, and no point is scored. If done thought the action of a gate by your opponent, you must move this player piece on your next turn, or it is killed and your opponent scores one point.

Object of the game. In this version the points don’t matter. The last person standing wins the game.