Monday August 2nd 1999

Another day up and out the door early, but not before some wonderful pastries and coffee for breakfast. Torstein was a very gracious host and as I would soon learn, this was how everyone is in Norway, including people that we had never met before and those who were not family. We thanked him again and headed to see my dad’s cousin, Helen, and her husband, Roar, in Kristiansand. The view from their condo overlooking the water and Otterdalsparken Park was beautiful! Most of today’s conversation was in Norwegian and if you read my earlier posts, you know how well I speak the language. Fortunately for me, their daughter offered to take the non-Norwegian-speaking guests around town while my dad and her parents caught up with each other. Kristiansand is another beautiful…

Continue ReadingMonday August 2nd 1999

My first blog!

Welcome to my blog. This first post will be an introduction to me and an overview of my plans for future entries so you have an idea of where I am heading. If I get off track, as one of my loyal followers, please nudge me and say, "Hey, what’s up with your blog?"I am married and have two wonderful daughters who, since moving out, have been more wonderful than ever before. I do miss them, but get to see them every week along with my grandson. I actually believe they enjoyed moving out more than I did and perhaps they will leave a comment on this post to confirm. My wife, Carol, puts up with a lot, mostly me of course, but if she is as happy as I am after 32…

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